Make a wish...This week is a pivotal one of 2021 that will set the stage for whatever you want to manifest in your life over the next year and a half. Today, Jupiter, planet of expansion, luck, wisdom, spirituality, opportunity and joy, moves into a sign that it rules traditionally, Pisces. He will hang out there until July 29th, 2021, and return at the end of December, for approximately another 5 months. This is a big deal because Jupiter has been in Saturn ruled signs since fall 2019, where he feels restricted and not able to function at his highest potential. I wanted to get through this email without mentioning 2020, but remember #2020?
Well today, Jupiter is ready to turn up, at least for a little while. The last time Jupiter was in Pisces was January 2010-January 2011. If you can remember some of the themes that were going on in your life back then, this could be one clue, but since we had completely different transits back then vs. today, you want to pay attention to what themes come to the forefront in your life over the next couple of months. The seeds you plant and opportunities that show up have the potential to grow exponentially, especially coming off of Tuesday’s Taurus new moon.
Below is where expansion, growth, and luck may be happening in your life over the next 12 months.
Aries/Aries Rising - Unpacking hidden issues/subconscious thoughts
Taurus/Taurus Rising - Networking, friends, hopes & wishes.
Gemini /Gemini Rising - Career, reputation, social standing
Cancer/Cancer Rising - Finding/being a mentor, spirituality, furthering your education
Leo/Leo Rising - Handling large sums of $, tackling debts, merging resources with others
Virgo/Virgo Rising - Romantic relationships and partnerships
Libra/Libra Rising - Your health, work environment, pets
Scorpio/Scorpio Rising - Creative pursuits, dating, children
Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising - Fixing your home, moving, addressing family issues
Capricorn /Capricorn Rising - Writing, travelling somewhere close, siblings
Aquarius/Aquarius Rising - Personal finances, self-worth
Pisces/Pisces Rising - Being in-tune with your body, personal growth
For more detail, you can check out my Jupiter in Pisces Sneak Peak Horoscopes or book a personal reading so I can strategize with you about how to take advantage of this abundant energy.
xx Tamerri